White paper
This white paper was widely built on the expertise of the economic actors of the African diasporas in France, gathered within the context of the « dialogue of ethics » program and sponsored by the 50th anniversary of African independences mission. « Les Responsabilités sociétales des entreprises en Afrique francophone » (Charles Léopold Mayer editions, 2011) provides :
- a presentation of the current situation in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility in existing Africa
- a general framework for reflection, in order to promote diversity in considering CSR in the world
- the identification of an African form of Corporate Social Responsibility, which isn’t considered as so, through the analysis of various responsible African management practices
co-written by Alexandre Wong and Urbain K. Yameogo, this white paper summarizes its theoretical contribution through seven practical proposals, which provide the working-framework of RSE&I
By choosing to partner with us in the improvement of their social performance/ societal performances, these organizations are in fact are initiating a pioneer procedure of dialogue and innovation. We are real partners and share a unique conviction: tomorrow’s responsible practices will be dreamed up by those who consolidate their CSR policy with an inclusive understanding of the specific intercultural issues encountered in sustainable development projects. To join us or learn more about our teams and expertise, please contact us.
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